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An intriguing quote that reflects the high level of astronomical understanding of the ancients:
"The moon illuminates the night with borrowed light." - - 6th century BC , Parmenides

Friday, February 11, 2022

The Year After Exeter: New Hampshire 1966

 Amateur astronomers are a hardy group. They go to dark places or sit in cold observatories and watch the night sky, keep track of stellar events, and enjoy the beauty of nature. They speak in terms of lenses, astronomical charts, telescope configurations, and a terminology all their own. 

February in New Hampshire was a busy time in 1966 as reports came in from two disparate groups on the evening of the 26th. 

A small cluster of people associated with the Clearview-Manchester Astronomical Society were out observing. Armed with camera, binoculars, and no doubt telescopes, they were observing the night sky and at 8:32, their written report states, they were looking to the North when they saw two UFO's moving West toward the Merrimack River.  They reported the objects had a flat bottom, a round top, and a sort of reddish-orange glow.

Stumbling around, one of the people accidently flipped on a portable spotlight and the rear object also flashed a bright light for 2-3 seconds and then later about 6 seconds.   This mirrored the spotlight action.

Photos were taken, analyzed and the conclusion of the air force was -- aircraft.  This report is some 60 pages in length. 

That same night, near Barlett a rural farming couple, approximately 1:00 and 1:30 am reported hearing their dog act up, the way he did if he heard a high-pitched dog whistle they said later, and red glow that came in through the windows. A quick glance revealed a round object, red glowing light, a black dot at the center, and a halo of white color at the far edges of the red. The object advanced, retreated, moved enough to keep them frightened inside the house. There was a slight noise to the object as well.

From Manchester the town of Bartlett is 112 miles north and slightly east. 

Oddly, in this Bartlett 16-page report is a sheet on an early morning 27 Feb 1966 event reported from near the Hanna City, ILL Air Force Station. Witnesses, observed an oval object, size of an average automobile, with a "nipple" shaped structure on top and at the top of that a green light; a beacon sound was heard; the object caused static on the car radio and may have interfered with other electronics; this red glowing object circled the car twice, then faded away into the north. When first observed it was within about eight feet of the car at a 45 degree elevation and it finally departed it was toward a 360 degree azimuth. The object twice came within an 8 foot distance from the car and the occupant distinctly heard the sound of something hitting the car. 

Something was moving from the east to the west that night and early the next morning....

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