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An intriguing quote that reflects the high level of astronomical understanding of the ancients:
"The moon illuminates the night with borrowed light." - - 6th century BC , Parmenides

Friday, February 18, 2022

E-M Reports : Through the Looking Glass

The same day that Kenneth Arnold saw the nine strange objects a miner in the mountains had his own experience. Most investigators - and scientists - dismissed his report because to explain the things he saw and reported would indicate a massive amount of magnetism at work. Too much to be explained by them.  

In the 1950's there were some cases of drivers claiming cars had gone dead when a strange object had passed overhead, hovered near a car, or landed on a roadway.

In the 1960's there were rumors of military missile systems going amuck, of more cars with total electronic failures at the same time as strange objects were reported, and more.

The concept of electro-magnetic power actually emerged most prominently in the 1820 to 1870 period. Archaeological finds, however, have indicated some forms of electricity were known to ancient humanity (China, Olmecs, Mesopotamia, Egypt, etc.).  Earliest scientific thinkers were attempting to develop a deeper understanding in the 1750's. 

Using it as a means of flight, a theoretical possibility, was largely hampered in the early part of the 20th century. Its closest competitor was the MAG LEV train, developed as an idea in 1902 but not fully and commercially feasible for more than forty years (bringing it into that 1940's time-frame). But translating that into a flying machine held its own challenges.  

If there is one thing research tells us about the 'era of the saucers', many groups and agencies utilized the "flying saucer" and "unidentified flying objects" as a means of covering up ultra-top secret projects , operations, and achievements.

There is the issue of sightings at areas where nuclear missiles or great power sources were. In searching some cases the question was "why there?"  A closer study often reveals there was an old chemical or mineral field there. There was a hitherto unknown nuclear missile silo in that area. On and on it goes. 

Down and down one falls through the looking glass; the question is are we Alice or the Mad Hatter?

CUFOS Files: A_Study_of_Secondary_Effects-An_Unpublished_Manuscript_of_UFO_E-M_Cases.pdf (

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