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An intriguing quote that reflects the high level of astronomical understanding of the ancients:
"The moon illuminates the night with borrowed light." - - 6th century BC , Parmenides

Monday, January 24, 2022


 The phenomena of the "contactees" is an important field to explore. I personally feel it is not related to true UFO phenomena but is a metaphysical strand that runs alongside the other. The goals, methods, and message of the encounters with the "space brothers" is too closely similar and consistent with earlier "cults" of the seance, spiritualism, fairies, angels, and religious experiences.

Also, there is the strong common trait that many of these "contactees" were recognized as and investigated as nothing more than disturbed individuals or con artists.

Adamski, Bethurum, Van Tassel, Stranges, Nelson, Dean, Standing Horse, Aho, Scmidt and the Mitchell Sisters all shared a "special" contact with a space person who conveyed to them fantastic 'science', prophesy and calls for world-wide peace and harmony. These all operated in the Cold War Era, with the years between 1950 and 1960 considered their peak.

Many - military, politicians, and others - believed them to be the agents of unrest and chaos, either as operatives of the Soviet Union or demonic forces at work in society. Others merely questioned their mental stablity.

They all share some common aspects -

All were "chosen" or specially selected to be the contact person of these beings.

They all represented an "ideal" in terms of looks, build, nature, or conduct. Tall gorgeous "Nordic" males and females. Tall, dark and handsome intellectual males. Lush, nude females who seek a sexual encounter (for purely scientific purposes of course). Perfect - but human - figures and forms.

The message was similar in almost all cases. The alien and robot depicted in the film "The Day the Earth Stood Still" (1951) are an example. 

1. Humans must turn from their wicked ways (in this instance that is the use or development of atomic weapons).

2. Humanity must grow or evolve to become part of something larger (deity, ruling group, alliance, galactic force). This evolving may include changes in customs, values, methods, education, spiritual actions, or lifestyle.

3. Humans must tame their wild ways and adopt peace and live in harmony.

4. Once humanity changes, they will be welcomed into something larger and find peace, harmony, etc. 

In 1961, this model was bumped, a little like a pinball in a machine and the pattern shifted.  In that year Betty and Barney Hill had an "interrupted journey."  For the first time an "abduction" event occurred. They were taken - an act of violence - and taken aboard a ship, they had invasive and painful experiments performed and although one alien was said to dialogue with Betty, over all the event was one they remembered only through a painful hypnotic regression therapy process. Most significantly, the sketches of these aliens by the Hill's was not the human "ideal." 

Although, a few "contactee" type encounters would continue and provide speakers for space and UFO conferences into the 1970's they were being pushed aside by a new and not so pleasant experience of the "Alien Abduction" marked by painful events, missing time, fear, and trauma. This large body of people would move the peace and harmony of the 'space brothers' off the stage of 20th century UFOlogy.

What caused that?

Did a small, little known series of CIA projects called Blue Bottle, Artichoke and MK-ULTRA have anything to do with the growth of the "space brothers"?  Did the use of drug, early mind control experiments and who knows what else provide the common storyline elements?  They served to keep the laugh track in place for anyone talking about 'flying saucers' or "UFO's'.  In fact, even as scientists, such as Carl Sagan began to seriously talk about hunting for non-terrestrial life - the laugh track was running at full blast. If someone (government, military, super-secret black-op agency) was seeking to hide this 'space brothers' movement made the perfect screen. A survey of the skeptical and ridicule-tinged entries on several supposedly objective encyclopedia type sites give testimony to that. 

Did they - any of the groups mentioned above - have anything to do with the emergence of the oft times traumatic 'alien abduction' phenomena?  Will we ever know.

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