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An intriguing quote that reflects the high level of astronomical understanding of the ancients:
"The moon illuminates the night with borrowed light." - - 6th century BC , Parmenides

Friday, February 7, 2025

A Most Excellent Company

"Work Smarter Not Harder..."

Over the decades numerous groups have formed to promote, study, and inform about the phenomenon we call today the "UAP."  They have played a role on the stage of history but then exited stage left.

Any group that wishes to engage in serious study and research about this topic should resolve to include some specific goals in the process.

Membership Should Include Everyone. Status, education, experience, etc. should have no value to who can join.

Membership Should Have Levels. Some members commit their all but others maybe only sometime. Both should have a place. Layers or levels allows for this and in the process expands awareness, builds skills, and encourages more involvement. Some may never raise up through the ranks, so to speak, but that would be okay.

Leadership Should Be Transparent. Clear communication regarding plans, goals, processes, methods, and needs should be a priority. If dues are paid, an annual reporting of how those funds were spent, how many members, etc. Decisions made by an oversight board should be swiftly communicated to members. Member ideas and views should be frequently sought out for guidance.

Leadership Should Have Specific Annual and Final Goals.  These goals and the mission statement are the roadmap for any organization.  They should be known to all members and the public. Sharing skills, information, and being transparent all build a positive environment that helps move a group forward to achieving its goals. 

Leadership Should Provide Tools To Grow Sub-Groups.  The goal of good PR should be the organizations job. To fulfill that goal the leadership should have a goal of providing a host of flyers, forms, and posters that be downloaded or ordered to share in a group or with the public.  This ensures the quality is good, the message unified, and the mission goals are met. 

Members and Leadership Should be Guided by the Mission/Purpose.  Personalities, egos, issues, and conflict can all be kept in check with a focus on the primary mission of the group.

If you are in a group - or thinking of forming one - consider these points.  Make the goal to great a most excellent company of people, despite differences, who are intrigued about solving the great puzzle of human history - are we alone. 

It is not about money, power, fame, or being right - it is about working together and learning in the process.  

Monday, January 6, 2025

Are We Alone? Alien Encounters and Research

The big question has always been are we as a species alone in the void of the universe. 

All through time there have been human accounts of interaction with the "other" : spirits, ghosts, demons, ancestors, angels, deities, fairies, strange creatures and so much more.  In the 20th century, the alien became the focus for many of these strange encounters. The other paranormal experiences often remained, or returned, to stand alongside the alien encounters in conjunction or opposition.

Do these encounters tell us anything about the reality or source of these events? It is necessary to establish some common experiences and then consider the implications.

Some common events include:

  • Memory gaps or lost time
  • Nightmares or sleep disturbances
  • Marks or scars on skin
  • Presence of mysterious "implants"
  • Conscious Recall of events
  • Familial experiences in family group (generational incidents)
  • Rare blood types (especially Rh Neg.)
  • Medical or Health Issues 
Professionals who have researched the topic have identified some common behaviors or events as well. 
  • Sleep paralysis
  • Fantasy Prone/Absorption Personalities
  • Adherence to New Age Beliefs / Alternative Philosophies
  • Paranormal interest or experiences 
  • Social awkwardness
Other factors that can be included in some instances and which tend to slant the interpretation of such stories by many include ...
  • Intentional deception
  • Pop culture influences
  • Spiritist Traditions (such as in Brazil)
  • Psychopathy
  • Paranoia and Conspiracy Theorists
  • Weak Sexual Identity
Are some abduction or encounter stories the result of a "weak mind"?  Yes.  Are some such events the result of mental or psychological issues?  Yes. Are some a true reflection of the strange experiences of a particular human being? Yes. That is the challenge.

Consider how many experiences involve the following:
  • Missing time
  • Later identified medical issues related to reproduction 
  • Rare blood types (Rh Neg but also AB+)
  • Marks, scars, or scoop marks with no related incident to explain
  • Strange events where an odd fever, seizure or similar incident occurred which doctors could not adequately explain.
  • An odd sense of longing when looking to the night sky
  • Young age encounters or generational experiences
There has been recognized since the 1970's that there appears to be some connection between "paranormal" experiences/experiencers and the UFO phenomena.  Is this because one produces the other or is it because one aids or enhances the other?  Are people with latent abilities easier for an alien species to contact? Are such people better suited to some purpose or goal?  Are such abilities the result of the encounter or a cause of it?

These are some of the issues related to this most complex and challenging aspect of the UAP topic.  Until these are more deeply investigated, correlated, and viewed without prejudice large gaps will remain in understanding.

The answer to "are we alone?" may be at stake.

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