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An intriguing quote that reflects the high level of astronomical understanding of the ancients:
"The moon illuminates the night with borrowed light." - - 6th century BC , Parmenides

Wednesday, June 7, 2023


 In the UAP community "disclosure" means the announcement that "yes, Virginia there is an Alien."

The expected norm for such actions has long been based on a false premise. An arriving alien entity would land on the White House lawn and announce themself to the world. This is, of course, based on the idea that the United States would be the world leader to contact.  Other scenarios, have conceived of the United Nations and others simply an orbiting presence sending messages of peace (or war). 

Other academic disciplines have suggested that there is no intent to formally meet and negotiate a relationship.  Human history has shown that when a highly advanced technological society intersects with a less highly advanced society the result is always bad - for the lesser of the two. 

These groups have suggested that scientists from another place in the universe might be observing human activity in the same way wildlife is studied on our own planet. Distance observation, non-interference, and tagging and/or sample taking as possible. 

Since 1953 the U.S. government, and possibly other countries, have been informed by a research reports by both Batelle and Brookings about what "contact" would mean. 

Such a contact with an advanced civilization or alien beings would wreck the orderly workings of society (laws, family life, and economy) , it would destroy religion by presenting a disconnect to the singularity of human existence and the limited interest of a divine being to Earth as these were accepted tenets of faith for many on the planet, and , as a result, would cause mass suicides, hopelessness, and the like. 

President Reagon of the U.S. , who had himself witnessed a UAP on at least two occasions, used the concept of the presence, exitance or threat of such alien intrusion into human history as bringing humanity together in a unified front. 

At this time in history, the world is highly connected via social media and the internet. Language translation programs abound making it possible to communicate at levels previously unimagined. There is no "universal translator" of Star Trek yet in easy reach but it is coming. 

IF Disclosure occurs, I theorize it would occur from the top down.

  • Governments/Leaders
  • Military/ Intelligence
  • Scientists and Educators
  • Social Sciences (Anthropologists, Sociologists, Cultural leaders, Religious leaders)

These would all begin to use media (news, social, movies, music, books, etc.) to transform human thinking to

 a) accept the idea of alien/other worldly existence, 

b) present high-ranking professionals who publish, research and present findings that also posit acceptance of such thinking and begin the discussion of acceptable responsive behaviors in social groups (religion, education, cultural awareness, science, etc.), 

c) a movement of governments, military, and their media tools to prepare thinking to accept treaties, contacts, inclusion of an alien presence, and 

d) then....introductions.

It should be noted that in the last 3-4 years there has been a steady increase in all of these points.

The stigma of the subject has been greatly reduced. Major academic groups and people have seriously addressed the subject and encouraged wide range research of a highly quantifiable style. Rhetoric has shifted from "there was no life on Mars" to the increasing probability that at one time all the components for Earth similar life were there. Telescopes locating deep space planets capable of hosting our own kind of life as well potentially diverse life forms. 

Concepts of time, space, and potential travels have greatly shifted from rigidly held "laws" that do not change to a truly scientific body of knowledge that adapts to new information and additional concepts. several ways "DISCLOSURE" has begun. The question will be: how far will it be allowed to go? How can the inhabitants of planet Earth best address the inevitable encounters that are being heralded?

"Be prepared" - it is not just a slogan but a mindset. 

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