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An intriguing quote that reflects the high level of astronomical understanding of the ancients:
"The moon illuminates the night with borrowed light." - - 6th century BC , Parmenides

Friday, November 27, 2020


One of the most nagging issues of UFO research -almost from day one - has been that not all sightings had official investigations and not all investigations ended up in logical areas (Project Blue Book for example). Early researchers suggested that the really good cases were going somewhere else. For decades the major candidates have been the CIA, the DOD, and even just upper level Air Force projects.

The work AREA 51 by Annie Jacobsen presents a most plausible answer to that question. When looking for a top secret project or entity the distractions were so logical they may have successfully hidden the truth. 

Through some indepth research she lays out the history of the super secret Air Base but also uncovers a shocking fact.

The most secret project in American history was known to The Manhattan Project and under Vannover Bush's control the black out was far reaching and the lock down incredible. This group morphed into the Atomic Energy Commission and maintained the same authority and secrecy capabilities. It eventually became - the Department of Energy.

This group that when questioned by presidents Carter, Bush and Clinton - were all informed or given to understand that they were seeking information they had no authority (as President of the United States) to view. They had no credible "need to know."  The need for the secrecy of the projects and activities under that umbrella apparently outweighed the President's need to have his curiosity answered (and by extension that of the American people).

Jacobsen does an outstanding - and at times terrifying job - of sharing the near misses related to atomic power at Area 51. Many unknown before her book episodes will give nightmares of the "my God we were that close to a major catastrophe!"  Less well done are her attempts to resolve Roswell as Soviet incursions into U.S. airspace in Nazi designed and Soviet built "saucers."  She, as do many researchers of UFO's limit their research to the June 1947 Kenneth Arnold and the July 1947 Roswell events to begin the story of sightings in the U.S.  Given the fact strange craft were being seen all over the continent as early as January and there are hints objects were seen in 1946 as well, making the possibility of a surprise Soviet incursion not as likely as some would believe.  See the article this blog "1947: A Year of Global Sightings."

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