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An intriguing quote that reflects the high level of astronomical understanding of the ancients:
"The moon illuminates the night with borrowed light." - - 6th century BC , Parmenides

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Just in Time to Re-evalaute 70+ Years of UFO Research

In the late 1940's a young astronomer with a state university became a consultant for the new United States Air Force as it assumed the role of determining if the strange things people were reporting were real or post-war nerves , hoaxes, and mistaken identification of natural phenomena. He did what any fledgling academic would do with the chance to expand his portfolio, utilize his skills and advance the cause of science. He agreed with many that the sightings could not be 'flying saucers', 'men from Mars' or anything in that arena.  He was, top to bottom, a man of science who loved his chosen field. He began to work with Project Sign, Grudge and Blue Book.

One does not have to go far to see that in this work, originally published in 1969 and updated in 1977, reflects a man of  keen intellect, logic, and a passion for finding the truth (no matter where that path might lead). Hynek was that rare breed of scientist who did not assume scientific knowledge was a settled and controlled component to be passed along, like a scared relic.

He understood that often it humanities inability to comprehend new information that prevents advances in gaining new knowledge. Humans did not have wings and so therefore they could never, ever fly. That was a truth that kept humans bound to the earth for eons. With all new advances there has to be a corresponding shedding off of limiting thought processes. Repeatedly in this work, Hynek shows that the investigations of Project Blue Book were seriously hampered by the inability of those controlling its actions to think outside a box. Their inability to envision the reality of something undiscovered and unexplained made the massive project ultimately self-defeating.

Now, in this dawning year of a new century, with new recognition by governments and the military that there are indeed things in the skies not known, this book is a must read. Now, as the actual files of Blue Book are digitized and online this book - with its insights into the games investigators were forced to play revealed for anyone with a discerning eye the book is one that should be shared.

The book, by a man of hard science who came to say that there was data - significant, unexplained, data - that should be carefully, deeply and more fully explored, carries with it a weight and import that make it foundational work in the subject of unexplained aerial phenomena.

Kudos for MUFON reissuing this work. Maybe with the good Dr. Hynek's guidance future investigative efforts will miss the ruts and roundabouts of past efforts. 

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