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An intriguing quote that reflects the high level of astronomical understanding of the ancients:
"The moon illuminates the night with borrowed light." - - 6th century BC , Parmenides

Friday, May 31, 2024

New Book Available on Amazon: 1965-The Summer of the Saucers by Marilyn A. Hudson

 Following on the heels of "1947: Those Saucy Saucers" comes another important and pivotal year in the study of unidentified flying objects.  Here are seasonal looks into what was being reported in skies - around the globe in 1965.  The high point was the summer, but the spring months saw a buildup and the fall saw a decrease but also some incredible events. 

Oddly, most online searches for events of that year return only one event: The Kecksburg Incident.  It was a grand finale to a truly fascinating year of objects seen by some of the high levels of respected observers and they came from around the world. 

It is impossible to truly understand what is happening today without understanding what really happened in the past. In both "1947" and "1965" there is crucial historical context given to reveal the scope and involvement of the sightings, the level of response by "investigators" and the rest of the facts often ignored at the time and since then. 

Available in paperback and Kindle formats.

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