
Sunday, June 27, 2021

Is It Disclosure? In a Manner of Speaking...

It is truly amazing to see the shift in how news, governments, and others are speaking about this subject. After, decades of the mandatory tone being ridicule, this tone of acceptance and recognition of the topic as a science-worthy field of discussion is amazing. 

 Major news outlets that once led with tongue-in-cheek speak about "little green men" (which was a way of casting the subject in the same arena as little pink elephants and not a reference to any green aliens!) are sitting up, adjusting their ties and hairdos and looking serious and somber as they file the story under, "series news."  


So, while it may not be the tell all disclosure some envisioned what is happening, and hopefully, will continue to happen, is to bring the subject into the room for serious discussion. 

While the very brief report released to the public says little, it does say some powerful things. It says the UFO/UAP is a real object based on scientific equipment that tracked them, based on highly qualified witnesses who saw them, and video evidence they could not refute.

The task force was mandated to study the best cases and present a report. From those best cases they were able to identify only one.  Then the task force recommendations read like reports presented by Dr. J. Allen Hynek decades ago: better science, more rigor, more study, and the openness to learn and accept what is discovered.

Now - governments and private groups - should come together to discover more and share more with a public unafraid of what may be discovered.

 So the UFOs Are Real. Now What? (

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